Jul 28 2023 Watch
In Memoriam

President Jimmy Carter

I’ve interviewed Jimmy Carter more than any other president. The reason is simple: he has lived so long after his presidency and he constantly wrote about global issues and personal experiences. My first interview with him for CHARLIE ROSE, my nightly PBS interview program, was January 15, 1993. Over the next 20 years, we had more than a dozen candid, revealing televised conversations, talking about everything political and personal, moral and pragmatic. It is an inside view of history.


Vermeer in America: A Charlie Rose Special

The Johannes Vermeer retrospective at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam is showing 28 paintings by the renowned 17th century Dutch Master. If you didn’t make it to the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam before the exhibition ended, this CHARLIE ROSE special from 1996, filmed at The National Gallery, is the next best thing.